Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fox and Friends...and me.

This afternoon, the Israelis bombed my lighthouse. Right now, the Israelis are still bombing my port.

Just a quick update. Got a phone call just now from New York - it was Fox News! One of the producers on the ground passed on my phone number and they wanted me to come on to Fox and Friends tomorrow morning...

Oh, I was torn as always: the glory of national airtime vs. providing fodder for the Evil Machine that seems to be the media here. In the end, I answered their questions as to the state of things in Beirut to try and inform them better of what was happening on the ground, but declined the invitation to speak on air, telling them that my cell phone reception was spotty at best and that were better off finding someone else...not what I wanted to say ("Honestly, I just disagree with the points that Fox aims to make. I think their conservative point of view is really hampering international progress. In general") but I'm trying to be more "Clinton-esque" lately (i.e. "nice").

Anyhow, I've contacted my college newspaper and the Providence Journal to see who would want to pick up a freelance mood piece on the life of Americans here in Beirut during the ...what is this? Is it a siege? I think siege is too strong. Somewhere between siege and annoyance.

The point is, if you have news contacts: friends in print, television, etc then send them my way :
I'd love to get them photos and short articles or do interviews on the fly - there's not enough on the ground reporting, from what I can see.

What other way am I going to pay for that boat trip to Cyprus?

(apparently 'taxes' doesn't work)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Tom. Sucks that the USG is making you pick up the tab, but apparently it's standard procedure, talking to friends who've seen these sorts of evacuations before. If I had a job, I could be more helpful... have you considered working for Fox just so someone has tabs on where you are?